Thursday, May 22, 2008

welp, im just chilling in Leon, and i love it!! we got free time today to walk around the city, see the sites, do a little shopping, and use the internet!!

tomorrow we start out- every day walking from now till june 8th. INTENSE!!!! and i am NOT athletic ;) it will be interesting

so i officially love the european lifestyle. they are so economical! everyone walks everywhere, the lights are like automatic so they arent left on, and everyone is just so laid back and nice!
things i dont like: we eat lunch at like 3, and dinner at 9. then off to bed. so i sleep on a full stomach, because dinner is a 3 course meal, everytime, without fail. and all they eat is carbs. bread bread brea. dont get me wrong, i love bread. but seriously, its like everywhere. and spain shuts down from like 2 to 5 for siesta. all of the stores except restaurants and bars. and everyone goes and drinks. wine everywhere. everywhere.

the lord is rockin´my world though, that´s for sure. he blessed me with an amazing godly roommate here, susan. she has been soooo encouraging. i would go crazy without her!

spain is dangerous- not like in the physical sense but for faith. temptation is just everywhere. they have no censorship, so nudity and promiscuity is all over the place. and all the alcohol. it would be very difficult to live here- it just seems like a lost country to me. they desperately need the lord. desperately.

there is always tension in my group. always complaining. pray for susan and i just to be salt and light, just to radiate joy that can only come from the lord in every circumstance.

and i am really having to work on loving people. there are people here that i would have never spent time with outside of this program, but it has been beautiful. the lord has just given me so many opportunities to speak truth and to witness. it has been so beautiful. and i am getting along amazingly with people whose lifestyles do not agree with me. and i just love on them. its all i can do. and it seems like some of them, especially 2 boys george and matt who live lifestyles that are in no way biblical, just seem to leech on to susan and i. they just always want to come to our room and talk. they want to sit with us at dinner, they call us, and just enjoy our company. and i am learning to love their company soooo much! and they are so curious, especially matt. the lord is persuing him, and it´s so obvious. he asks me so many questions, especially about brian and i. and our relationship and the changes we have made in it and our intentions just really have been an amazing witnessing tool. thank you brian, for leading and for making me look more like jesus.

there is another boy though who is proving very difficult to love. all of the girls feel very uncomfortable around him, as he crosses many boundaries with his actions and his words. and it just makes all of us very uneasy. but the lord is burdening my heart for him, because the lord loves him, and so must i. it is proving challenging, how to handle the situation...

catholic churches are DARK. period. both physically, and also in the dark presence i sense. it is very disturbing, the scenes depicted in the cathedrals here. the virgen mary above jesus. the golden stautes of saints. very dark. full of idolatry. im not bashing catholiscm, but there is so much i dont understand about these medieval churches...and it makes me uneasy

have to go now. time is up.

love you all. les echo de menos!


1 comment:

blaire blanchette said...


I am praying for you friend. I am nodding my head throughout your entire post in agreement with Spain. It is such a lost place and the cathedrals seem far from being a place of worshiping the Lord, but more the Kings, Queen's and saints.

naked people, everywhere.
alcohol, everywhere.
whitney swanson bringing being a light in a dark place...PRAISES!!!

I look forward to seeing how God moves throughout the rest of the summer. I throughly enjoyed the beauty of creation when i was in Spain, I hope Christ reveals himself to you through that as well sister.

you are loved-

"he who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it in you until the day of the return of our Lord Jesus." Philippians 1:6.